
  • General Assembly on 12/03/2020 in Cercle de Lorraine, chaired by outgoing chairman Edwin Schellens & presentation by Ms Caroline Van Schoubroeck, Professor of Insurance Law at KU Leuven and Chair of the Insurance Committee, on the subject of « sustainable  insurance » and presentation by Ms Rita Thijs, director of technical insurance studies at assuralia on “the market figures”. The lunch was graced by a farewell speech by philippe colle, director assuralia.
  • General Assembly on 15/03/2016 in Cercle de Lorraine, chaired by Mr. Gustaaf Daemen & presentation by Patrick Massin, adjunct-director National Bank of Belgium on the subject of ‘Status of the current functioning of the Solvency II controls of the specialized insurance companies’.
  • General Assembly on 12/03/2015 in Cercle de Lorraine, chaired by Mr. Gustaaf Daemen & lecture by Mr. Alex Smith, Director Casualty Underwriting, Swiss Re London on the subject of ‘New risks in insurance: Driverless cars, Drones and 3D Printing’.
  • General Assembly on 20/03/2014 in Cercle de Lorraine, chaired by Mr. Gustaaf Daemen & lecture by Mr. Hein Lannoy, deputy director FSMA, on the implementation of MiFID.
  • Workshop « How Coll Brands Stay Hot » on 15/10/2013, by Mr. Joeri Van den Bergh (left), here accompanied by Vice-Chairman Guy Piette – more details on the members’ page.
  • General Assembly on 21/03/2013 in Cercle de Lorraine, chaired by Mr. Gustaaf Daemen & lecture by Mr. Joost Van Roost, CEO ExxonMobil Benelux, on the Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040
  • Lecture by Mr. Peter De Keyzer on the Future of the Eurozone, during the General Assembly in Cercle de Lorraine on 07/03/2012
  • Lecture by Mr. Luc Coene on the new prudential control
    in Cercle de Lorraine on 21/11/2011
  • General Assembly on 11/02/2011 in Cercle Gaulois
  • General Assembly on 08/03/2010 in Cercle Gaulois
  • Workgroup Risk Management on 27/03/2009
  • General Assembly on 24/03/2009 in Cercle Gaulois
  • Workgroup Risk Management on 27/01/2009